Riker's Blog-o-Plenty

I am intrigued by the power of the "Blog". Hopefully you will find my ravings of interest, if not, look elsewhere.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Hello folks,

For the 4 people that actually checkin periodically to read my blog, this is for you. I can't believe how easily time slips away from you. My intentions were to take some serious time to redesign this blog site (you know, give it the custom treatment) and post more often. Instead, I haven't updated the design and haven't been posting. That's just unacceptable! :)

Seriously though, it has been a busy month and change for me. Work has been extremely busy and whatever time is left just seems to be gone before it starts. Gotta figure out why that is???

So, just so this post isn't a complete waste for you, I wanted to talk a bit about diversions. I can't believe how many things can grab my attention, even for a short period of time. For example, I spent 20 minutes watching a movie that I've seen almost 10 times in the past year. Ok, ok, I'll tell you which one - Tears of the Sun. A fantastic movie, but I certainly didn't need to see it again. Oh well, that's marketing for you I guess. As for my latest diversion, and I can't even believe that I'm going to admit this, but, I signed up for XBOX Live.

I've been an XBOX enthusiast for quite some time. Alright, so I'm nuts about gaming but that's a topic for another time. Anyhow, I jumped through the hoops, and there are some big hoops to get signed up and online. Let's just say that so far it's absolutely worth the time, effort and cost. Thanks to my sister I have a year subscription to burn through which is really nice...

Within 20 minutes of signing up I found myself buying 2 other games from the XBOX Live Arcade to play around with. The first being the amazingly basic time waster Bejeweled, the 2nd being Ricochet Lost Worlds. A warning to all you XBOX Live potential users: having a credit card assigned to your account (which is required BTW) makes it WAYYYY too easy to buy add-ons, games, etc. Just keep track and you'll be fine! :)

I did play some other titles on-line as well. I had to try Halo 2 of course and I played some Colin Mcrae Rally 2004. Got my ass handed to me in Halo 2, no surprise to me but my fellow gamers were far, far too good for my liking. I wish I had that kind of time.... Now that I mention that, I need to go find another diversion.

Just so we're clear, if you own and XBOX and you like to game at all, you owe it to yourself to try XBOX Live out. You won't be sorry.

- Riker -


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