Riker's Blog-o-Plenty

I am intrigued by the power of the "Blog". Hopefully you will find my ravings of interest, if not, look elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The beginning ... where the blog entries are small!

Well, well, well, here I am, contributing to the clutter that is the Internet. Some of you may be interested in knowing that this is my first real Internet contribution. Yep, that's right, no meaningless website with pictures of my dog, cat, family or anyone I know. No aimless ramblings about my resume and who I am or how I came to be. Thought it was about time that I did something more than skulk quietly in the background.

Enough of that. I felt it best to actually write something of substance for my very first post. I read quite a few RSS syndicated feeds everyday, many of which are blogs. [Insert shameless plug for my favorite RSS News Aggregator - Abilon ]

I have to say, I am tired of seeing, "Hello, this is my first post!" entries. What the hell? That's all you had to say to the world? It's like computer programming 101 where you get to write a program that prints "Hello world". I understand the basics are important but it's 2004 for God's sake...

So, here is my 1st post almost done. At least I won't be remembered for "Hello, this is my first post!". Damn, or maybe I will given my topic of choice...

-- Riker --


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